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what are the two simple ways to make you love yourself more everyday.

The two most simple ways to make your make you love yourself more everyday is acceptance without judgement. Embrace who you are at first without questioning how you appears to other. first of all accept yourself completely ,respect your personality ,your thoughts, your character .Pay attention to your growth improve yourself from inward and outward by doing this you will be filled with self confidence and your positive attitude will inspire you to do better in life.

And the second most important ways way to is to focus on your positive growth without  negative thought. When we will start thinking good for ourselves ,from this time onwards the whole universe is will start working in our interest .If our thinking is good for us then we keep getting the same results ,all you have to do this is to  think good for yourself in every situation. Feel good and speak good no matter what is happening to you in the present and by doing this ,the path will be shown to you by  the "grace of God "as to do as to what you have to do next just keep the faith inside your mind and soul and move forward to work for yourself and when  a negative thought come , then you have to give it to a different for the direction to your mind that in every situation you have to create a very beautiful life for yourself with your heart work and full of faith and lastly feel appreciated and open your heart with the gratitude feeling of Almighty.

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