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The word " UNIVERSE"  when i speak up i literally feel the shattered pieces turns into an immense powers of self. i really just started admiring my "UNIVERSE" in 2020 when my existence was turning into gloomness and hopelessness.But my willpower and unquestionable,  unbreakable  faith on" ALMIGHTY  GOD" made me a person of ardent worshipper of positivity. I started getting the sign and connection from the UNIVERSE  LKE BUTTERFLY,.FEATHER. REPEATED NUMBERS IN A SEQUENCE.From that time to till now i am always guided by angels and divine powers.i feel so blessed that my tears rolls on my skin like a dancing umbrella enjoys the rain.i healed my soul with my inners powers by awakening them with my sub- concious mind.and my prayers become a ladder to meet up the "supreme power". i am not a religious person .but i am going  to be a more authentic spritual person day by day knowing  myself from the calmness of mind and soul Many things  are yet to be revealed and experienced by me in upcoming events in forms of miracles from" GOD":".I DESIRED TO FOUND THE DIVINITY BY SURRENDERING  IT ALL MY FEARS AND DOUBTS TO UNIVERSE". I AM READY TO RECEIVES ALL THE MIRACLES AND BLESSINGS IN MY LIFE. THANK YOU SO MUCH MY WHOLE UNIVERSE AND BEAUTIFUL PRAYERS"

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